Damn! Have not posted for a while! Knew that I would slack off sometime.
First, the Portals and Peepholes show was awesome! Like stepping into another world! In case you missed it, here are
photos from the event.
Well a lot has happened. I don't feel like going into detail about it today, so here is a summary of topics to talk about in near future posts (and by "near" I mean within the next week or so):
Good stuff there; check out the websites!
Anyway, still tending to the body farm (click on "death" under labels) on my balcony, I am reminded of an old bronze sculpture I did a couple years ago. Uglinteresting piece of work.

I don't know how clearly the shapes read, but it is basically an abstract female body with a hand in place of her head, holding a staff with feet at one end, and the second hand at the top of the staff, holding a cage. The cage has her face as the base.

Inside the cage are dove eggs. A dove has made a nest in a shrub of one of the plant boxes out there. The dove laid three eggs, only one egg did not survive and it was just one egg in the cage for a few months.
Then one day a dove (cannot verify it was the same dove) was back in the same nesting area, only this time, she was just keeping one egg warm. Unfortunately, that egg was abandoned due to an unintentional spook to the dove.
Now r.i.p two fetuses, birds that were to be, but never will, their spirits reside in an open birdcage, free to fly, free to come and go as they please.
So I guess technically, I have four small bodies....