I got a few pieces of art scattered around San Francisco...
First, tonight!

The drawing in the postcard above is by
Renee Castro.
I will have two new previews Taxilands there! Taxiland 5 and Taxiland 6. Also, I will have Schnork! Mieuu! and Kwack! there.
If you want to see allotta art, go to the
Mezzanine! Show starts at 8:00pm and goes on until tomorrow at 2:00am. It is $10 at the door, age 21+.
200 Painters/Photographers
80 fashion Designers
Video Installations
Live Painting by:
Rachel Znerold
Jasper Thomas
Rob Harris
Daryoush BaharMusic by:
DJ Felina
Rondo Brothers
Terbo Ted
Irene Hernandez-Feiks
+ moreAddress is
444 Jessie Street, SF CA 94103
If you are around north beach, stop by the Arata Fine Arts Gallery.
The theme this month is "City Lights." Lots of great images of the bay area, and more!
Coming Tuesday
December 14,

Animalia - Eye on Amazon Watch!
Tuesday night from 7:00 pm until Wednesday 12:00 am
The Amsterdam Cafe937 Geary Street
San Francisco, CA
Me and you baby ain't nothing but mammals, so it's time that we all get on down and love us animals!
In this group show, we celebrate the inspiration behind the book ANIMALIA, where we become our furry, feathered and fun filled friends, and they too, become us.
Come out and thee shall see the Animalia works of ::
Mike KershnarPatrick Haemmelein
Taiko Fujimura
Alice Koswara
Dylan Kelly
and Me!
Wild things to Wear Provided by:
Miss Velvet Cream
Katie Burley
Mary Weather
Music to your ears
T-Bird Luv Flame
Mama Crow
Yaqueline Laporte
+ other special guests!
==- A portion of proceeds will be donated to the SF based non-profit Amazon Watch.
The are doing important work! Please check them out -===
Amsterdam Cafe is a lovely hookah lounge that has an extensive selection of fine beers from all over the world. Come cozy up with us for a night.
Show run by Kellie Peach
One more show at
Wonderland SF, December 10! More details to come....